Greg Rogers
The Advocate
Greg Rogers has a breadth of experience across the transportation policy landscape, ranging from journalism to policy analysis to federal advocacy. He’s the founder of Aries Public Policy + Future Mobility Strategies.
Greg was previously Public Affairs Manager at Nuro, a robotics company developing autonomous vehicles for local delivery. Prior to that, Greg was the Director of Government Affairs and Mobility Innovation at Securing America's Future Energy (SAFE), where he advocated for sound policies to support the development of automated vehicles, electric vehicles, and connected vehicles. He was previously the Assistant Editor of Eno Transportation Weekly (ETW) and a Senior Policy Analyst at the Eno Center for Transportation, where he frequently broke stories on transportation policy developments in Congress, the Administration, and state legislatures. He specializes in federal and state policies around autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and emerging technology.
Greg served a six-month stint as a full-time Lyft and Uber driver in 2015 after deciding to leave a lobbying career behind in order to become an insufferable transportation nerd.
Gregory Rodriguez
The “Views Are Our Own” Guy
Greg Rodriguez uses his unique experience working on Capitol Hill and as in-house counsel for a transportation planning agency to provide strategic information, policy insight and legal assistance on the regulation and safe and effective incorporation of emerging transportation technologies into our transportation network, including on-demand mobility, autonomous vehicles, and drones.
He is a native Southern Californian braving the "weather" of the East Coast and is excited about all things policy and legal around smart cities, especially new connections through smarter transportation. Greg is a proponent of public transportation and wants to see new technologies enhance mobility for all.
Views and opinions are his own.
Pete Gould
The Consultant
Pete is Senior Vice President at Boundary Stone Partners. Prior to Boundary Stone, Pete founded Shared Mobility Strategies, LLC in March 2016 to share that expertise and the insights gleaned over the last 10+ years with a wide range of client organizations from the public, private, and policy thought leader communities. He has an extensive background as a shared mobility and transportation policy wonk, a title proudly earned over the course more than 10 years of professional experience at Uber, the US Department of Transportation, and on the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on Capitol Hill.